Saturday, 30 July 2016

[Tingsha- Spirit Uplift]

Tingsha (Cymbals) are an alloy of five or seven different metals similar those used in Singing Bowls. Tingshas are engraved with the eight auspicious symbols of Tibetan Buddhism which are said to bring good fortune.
The small cymbals make a higher/finer pitch sound and the larger ones emit a deeper/louder resonance. They come in matched pairs, held together by a leather cord. They can resonate with their incredible sound for up to 30 seconds.
When they are suspended horizontally and struck together, a delightful, oscillating wave of sound seems to pass between them as they reverberate at a high frequency, creating an impressive symphony of sounds. The pure ringing tones create an opening in reality, and are said to fill emptiness.
Tingsha were use as ceremonial bells for prayers and practices by Tibetan, Nepal and Buddhist Monks as well as being used in Shamanist Traditions.
Many practitioners use them to clear and vibrate the space in order to bring clarity and spaciousness. Personally, I felt that the vibration of the Tingsha is not as strong as the Singing Bowls especially when it comes to clearing big spaces.
One of the hardest things for beginners to do is clear their mind for meditation. By placing all your attention on one thing i.e. the sound from the bells, you can drive out the distractions that would otherwise prevent meditation.
Tingsha creates a meditative vibration but is more commonly used for calling one forth into the here and now. The striking sound has the ability to call one forth as well as clearing any disturbing energies in the moment. I love using them to disperse stubborn energies , especially Chakras.
The primary meditative use of tingsha bells is toning. If we use them properly, it helps to clear and tone both the mind and body. Sound vibrations naturally penetrate the skin, while also providing the whole-body with an all-encompassing internal and external sound massage.
Tingsha Helps:
• Pursue higher levels of awareness by uplifting the spirit
• Increase concentration in meditation by focusing on the pitch made by Tingsha
• Dispersing blocked energies who are undergoing stress, depression and grief
• Increase confidence, positivity and zest for all ages
So simple yet so effective.
Happy learning. Om
Guru Krissy Gee

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