Sunday, 31 July 2016

Chi or Energy hand massage for Health

Spiritual Healing involves Mind, Spirit, Soul and Body. When the Physical Body is suffering from pains, the ancient practices will focus on Chi Reflexology for instant relieve. Example like applying and massaging Chi to certain Meridian Points.
It helps to relieve stress, tension, imbalances of the body by stimulating the specific points which elicit a response from the nervous system.
Chi Reflexology of hands also enhances the circulation of blood in the body
It promotes the bodily balance in an effective manner.
There are people who get instant relief from various conditions by doing the Chi hand reflexology.
Benefits of Chi Hand Reflexology in Reducing Headaches:
The tips of the thumb and fingers are the points where you can stimulate the nerves connected to head and temple region. Thus, by gently massaging and kneading the Chi into the tips of the fingers and thumbs, you can gradually reduce the headache or an oncoming migraine.
Reducing Back Pain:
The sides of your hand around the thumb portion and the back area of your wrist joint are related to you back. So, you can reduce the back pain by gently massaging those areas of thumb and wrist joint. Then knead in the Chi force into the Map point.
Reducing Shoulder Pain:
Shoulder pain can be reduced by Chi reflexology. All you need is concentrate the joints of each finger present on the topside of each hand. You need to massage them in clockwise gently from left to right. After the process, rub in the Chi until you feel your fingers warm.
Reducing Allergies:
Apply Chi pressure to the fleshy portion of the topside of your hand palm. You can find extra circulation of blood to the nasal passage and the throat area. This will aid in reducing allergies of throat.
Sinus Relieve:
Massaging the lengths of each finger slowly by focusing on the tips; one can help self in improving the blood circulation to his or her head and ear region, thus slowly oxygen flow can be increased in the portion. Remember, after the massage, always apply the Chi gently into the map points.
"The first wealth is health. "
Have a nice weekend!
Guru Krissy Gee

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