Saturday, 30 July 2016

[Do Kids need Angels?]

Having recently conducted a small and intimate class with some school children, it brought to mind some of the observations that have been made with regard to this realm of beliefs.
“A university lecturer has criticised parents for being dismissive when their seven-year-old daughter told them that she felt comforted when she saw an angel at her bedside every night.”
I suggest that the lecturer was correct as perhaps she had seen an angel.
Children, though innocent and sometimes easily led, have an innate ability to identify with things, people and situations that bring them joy and happiness.
Though still young and impressionable they quickly recognised that their angels were not some cuddly toy to be played with, but more an energy that could be nourished and welcomed.
Let us all face the facts that it is not just children that believe in the concept of angels.
It is a belief and practice that has been an integral part to the evolvement of our human race’s social and spiritual lives for centuries.
Having replayed the events of the class back in my mind many times since the gathering, I found that the children’s’ expression of belief and understanding of the roles of their Angels to be thoroughly uplifting.
They saw their angels as beautiful beings of light, messengers from God, and more importantly that their angels were ready and willing to help them in every way possible without the judgemental attitude that adults sometimes adopt.
Perhaps it’s because children have a more natural connection to the Angelic Realms as their innocence allows them to open up to the angel’s energy that more easily facilitates the receiving of information.
After all it is this information that enables them to gain from their guidance, healing, and support.
Their connection with angels was empowering and I was blessed to see their confidence and self-esteem rise throughout the exercise.
Thank you Angels!!
Guru Krissy Gee

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