Saturday, 30 July 2016

[After Death Communication Experience with our loved ones]

Our deceased loved ones always choose when, where, and how they will contact us. Most frequent types of after-death communications, have been with their deceased loved ones, and these may occur either on an individual or group basis.
These communications are not limited to a single geographical location. The notion that they reach out to us "only" in designated locations is a falsehood. But their appearance to us is affected by our own state of mind.
There are many ways for a loved one to reach out to you e.g:
1. They Love to Play with Electricity
Playing with electricity seems to be one of the most common "signs of spirit." It is an easy way to grab our attention. Spirits like to flicker lights, turn the television or radio on and off, or make appliances beep for no apparent reason
Our loved ones have the ability to interfere with light and electricity because they anatomical building block is no longer a carbon physical structure. It is now pure energy. They can manipulate appliances, TV, microwaves, etc. Most of the time they just want to make us aware that they're with us.
If your television turns off or on for no apparent reason, start investigating the reason behind it. What show or channel is on? Is it a favourite show of your loved one? Is the radio playing their favourite song?
When the lights flickered, what were you thinking about? Were you thinking about your loved one? Sometimes that thought can be an acknowledgment or even confirmation that your loved one is near.
2. They Give Off Fragrances
We can often tell our deceased loved ones are around us when we smell their scent: perfume, flowers, cigar or cigarette smoke, or any other smell associated with them.
There may be no logical explanation as to why the smell is there and this "sign" can sometimes lead to confusion. As humans, we remember how our loved ones smell. We remember a distinctive cologne or perfume they enjoyed, or even the scent of an activity they performed. Just as we recognise the smell from our own pillow we must tune our senses into recognising the scent of others.
If your loved one used to work with cars and, out of the blue, you smell motor oil, try not to be scared.
3. They Visit Through the Energy of an Animal
Our loved one is able to use their energy to go inside an insect or animal such as a butterfly, ladybug, bird, or dragonfly for a brief period of time.
The animal will do something it usually wouldn't do, such as land on us, peck at our window, look at us, or scream at us. Unfortunately, this is a sign some people ignore. Our loved ones may try to communicate with us in very unusual ways and forms. They key point here is that we must be aware of how they attempt to communicate.
They're sending us a message without trying to scare us. They're letting us know, "I'm with you. You're not alone!"
4. They Place an Object in Our Path
Our loved ones like to place objects in our path that appear to be insignificant. Coins, feathers, keys, and rocks are a few of the most common objects they might leave for us. Often we "chose to ignore such occurrences. This can be disheartening to our loved ones. Just as in real life if your are trying to get someones attention and that person "appears" to ignore your every effort, you can become quite disillusioned.
How can we find the meaning in these small gifts?
Feathers, of any colour can be a gift that your deceased loved one is sending you. The wings of birds are nearer to heaven than we can be and your deceased loved one may be using them as messengers.
When a feather is in your path, look up, think of your loved one and speak their name aloud if you dare. Your deceased loved one is sending you this gift to remind you that they are still watching over you.
If you find a coin in your path, look at its year and see if that year is important between you and your deceased loved one. The phrase “pennies from heaven” is based on the belief that many believe that a penny found, is actually a message from a deceased loved one.
If you find a rock lying in the middle of your bed, or you find your loved one's shirt in an odd place (that's not where you placed it before), this could be a sign from the other side.
Sea shells found out of their normal location can be viewed as a sign that someone is trying to communicate with tus. When you see shells in your path or when you aren’t expecting them, this could be a gift that your loved one is sending.
5. They Show Us Numbers
Our loved ones might show us numbers that are relevant to them or to you. It could be a birthday, an anniversary, the date of their passing, the time of their passing, or even repeating numbers such as 111, 222, 333, etc.
These numbers may appear on clocks, billboards, or any other familiar place. They can also come from family, friends, or even strangers.
When driving, pay attention to license plates in front of you and billboards you pass by. Some of the best signs of numbers can come from bumper stickers sitting right in front of you. If you detect a pattern and believe your loved one is communicating with you, take comfort in knowing that they are with you.
6. They Visit in Dreams
One of the easiest ways for our loved ones to communicate with us is through our dreams. A dream that is a true visitation will be very vivid, peaceful, and detailed. We will remember this type of dream many years later. In short one key point is the longevity of our recollection.
There are a few characteristics you can analyse after having a spiritual visitation dream. It will consist of very vivid colours. Sometimes it can be in black and white with colour being in the form of your loved one's clothing or something they are holding for you to see.
It will be logical and have some sort of message, either in the form of words, physical objects, or even telepathy.
You may feel confused upon waking up. You will feel happy, peaceful, or even fearful about what you experienced. (Fear is often derived from never having experienced such a dream before.)
All we need to do is invite our love ones to visit us and just as in the real life experiences you encounter every day of your current life they will welcome your invitation and visit you but in a manner of their own choosing. We can also ask them to wake us after they visit and to help us remember the dream.
7. They Place Thoughts in Our Minds
Our loved ones don't have an audible voice because they are in spirit form. Therefore, they give us messages telepathically. Pay attention to thoughts that just “pop” into your head. If something your loved one would say just comes to you for no apparent reason, it's probably him or her speaking directly to you.
This form of communication is a true blessing! Sometimes it doesn't have to be a particular thought, it can come when the lyric to a song "pops" into your thoughts. Songs and music, like dreams, are universal methods of communication. Listen for the thoughts or songs. You'll know when they're not yours.
8. They Watch Over Us
Many of us have felt this one! It is possible to pick up on spiritual energy, especially when we're relaxed. When we're in the beginning stages of grief, we have a keener ability to "feel" our loved one around us.
There's good reason for this. It simply isn't true that death is final. We may continue to feel our loved one's presence after their passing because they are still very much around us. In the deepest grief, they will try to find a way to let us know they're with us.
When we feel like we're being watched, we're being protected and nurtured. Above all else, we're still being loved. We're never alone! Have you received "Signs" from your Loved One on the Other Side?
We know our loved one is around when their favourite songs come on at just the right time with the exact words we need to hear.
Often the same song plays in many different places.
Train yourself to listen to the background music in department stores, grocery stores, or even when you're walking into a restaurant.
When you're driving and turn on the radio, what song is playing?
When you're watching TV, what song comes on at the beginning or ending of a movie you're watching?
When you're cleaning, turn on the music and see if a message is being delivered. If your loved one loved music, this too can be an easy form of communication.
10. They Buzz in Our Ears
Because our loved ones speak to us using a different, higher frequency, we may hear ringing in our ears when they're trying to get our attention. This is a signal to look for a message.
Look at your surroundings, is there something significant to notice? A sign on the side of the road? A bird flying by? A particular cloud in the sky?
Are you reading a book, newspaper, or searching on the internet for something? Did you get the ringing in your ear(s) as you read a particular sentence? Re-read that sentence and look for a message.
Maybe the ringing in your ear is after a particular thought—this could be a sign of validation from your loved one.
This list could certainly go on, but these tend to be the more common ways our loved ones let us know they're around us.
If you haven't received any of these signs, you can ask your loved one to come and let you know they're okay.
Ask them to come to you in a dream or visit you in the form of butterfly. Ask them to come to you in the form of an animal. Then be aware of the message when it's given to you. Remember though, your loved one may appear in many different ways: books, newspapers, Internet sites, etc.
'A soul may be reborn either in a human body or in the body of a non-human animal. "

 Guru Krissy Gee

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