Wednesday 7 December 2016

The Healer - Part 3

[The Healer - Part 3]
Healers believe that everyone has a healing mechanism that flows as an energy force around the body, mind and spirit to keep them in perfect order. Unfortunately, stress, inadequate diet, negative attitude along with other adverse factors can block our healing mechanism so that it cannot function correctly and we can become ill.
Spiritual healing provides the energy needed to accelerate our own healing mechanism. Healers act as a conductor or channel for the healing energy which he/she believes has the "intelligence" to go where it is needed.
Healing does not always work at a physical level; the illness may remain but the ability to cope with it will be improved. In rare cases, it may not work at all because the sick person "blocks" the healing forces.
Healing is not simply about living well but also bringing serenity as people approach their inevitable end.
Typically, to begin the treatment, the healer will attune him/herself with the healing energy frequency. Then he/she may scan your body, with his/her hands hovering just above you. This scanning is to take a reading of your body's energy levels and to locate areas of low or blocked energy where healing is needed. How long the healer need to spend on each area is determined by your body's needs.
Generally, the session will lasts about an hour or two. All healers work in this way, but some employ additional healing tools such as visualization, past lives therapy, aura healing or they may concentrate on using the "chakras" the seven main energy centers of the body.
During the treatment you may feel heat coming from the healer's hands, although some people feel a draft, tingling sensation, pins and needles, or a feeling of light-headedness. Afterwards, most people say that they feel relaxed and peaceful, although you might feel thirsty or sleepy. Leave a few days or a week between sessions to give the healing time to work.
A strong life force makes a human being totally alive, alert and present while a weak force results in sluggishness and fatigue. You can increase and develop your chi to overcome illness, become more vibrant and enhance mental capacity.

[Understanding of a few type of Energy/Chi]
The concept of a life force is found in most of the ancient cultures of the world. In India, it is called Prana; in China, Chi; in Japan, Ki; for Native Americans, the Great Spirit etc. For all these cultures and others as well, the idea of life force is or was central to their forms of medicine and healing.
You cannot see the energy, but you can feel its existence as it travels through your meridians – energy highways within your body – It beats your heart, nourishes your muscles, and even give rise to your conscious activities.
Everything in creation is made up of electromagnetic energy vibrating at different frequencies that correspond to sound, light and colour. The existence of electromagnetic fields around every object in the world - known as an Aura - is a scientifically proven fact.
The Chinese refers to this energy as 'Chi' (pronounced Chee) as the vital life force energy of the Universe, present within every living thing. Western medical science is now beginning to take a serious look at ancient Far Eastern traditions that focus on Chi, the life force energy which flows through the body pathways known as meridians and chakras, present in all living forms, they help maintain health and wellness whether mental, physical and/or emotional.
Chi could also be referred to as cosmic breath, energy, life force or prana. It maintains our physical and emotional balance, our environmental stability and universal equilibrium. It is a life energy flow that should run smoothly through your body and out of it. Therefore, it needs to be treated similarly to how a flow of any substance is optimized in nature. There are five basic conditions that need to be corrected and then perfected: posture, relaxation, breathing, extension and the center. To the extent they're all adjusted, your Chi will flow all by itself.

[Our personal Chi/Energy]
The first type of Chi/energy animates our bodies. Each one of us possesses a personal Chi /energy for we are not only flesh and bones! We vibrate. Our aura expands and retracts depending on our health and moods. Our cells continually regenerate yet our basic self is the same. That constant self is our personal Chi/energy. The quality of our personal Chi/energy can be enhanced with daily exercise, good food and a balanced way of living. If our Chi is blocked and not flowing, it will be reflected in our posture, moods, movements, the way we speak, appear and behave. Depending on our health and moods, our aura will contract or expand.

[Earth Energy]
The second type of energy circulates, spirals and meanders in the earth. If it moves near the surface of the earth, land appears fertile, the weather is mild, the trees and vegetation grow, water and air quality is fresher and clearer. This is the optimum area to build a home. Wherever Chi /energy recedes from the surface of the earth, nothing grows and desert landscape forms.
Just like the Northern skies are sometimes affected by solar flares these. Earth energies influence our health. Just like our bodies, the Earth has energy meridians and vortexes equivalent to what we know in acupuncture, chakra balancing and energy points.
Some earth energies can affect our health. Underground water veins and ley lines have to be discovered to complete a physical healing process. Dowsing and water divining are an important part of the Feng Shui study to find the best possible environment to live in.
The effect of ley lines and underground water veins can be seen in nature through how trees appear. Twisted trees could show that they are growing on ley line; branches pointing downwards reveal an underground water vein.

[Universal Energy]
Energy permeates the universe. We cannot change the position of the stars and planets in the sky nor the time of that particular moment where we were born. Look at the concept of heaven being on earth and relate it to our homes, office and usual surroundings, by placing our furniture to promote a gentle Chi flow we can affect our lives for the better!
The belly is the storehouse of life force chi and can hold a huge amount for use by any part of the body. The intestines are like a coil that can absorb many types of chi, mix it and store it. The chi stored in the belly is basically chi that may be used anywhere in the system where it is easily transformed into the type of chi needed.
Here are instructions for a very simple and safe introductory exercise:
1. Sit on the floor comfortably and do not lean on any walls;
2. Breathe in and out through your nose for 30 times;
3. Relax your body;
4. Press your belly button for 49 times;
5. Close your eyes and allow your body to start moving or sway;
6. Allow the energy to flow and unblock imbalances points in your body;
7. Do this every day for 45 mins.
Caution: Do not simply tap or open your Solar Plexus to any energy force other than your own home especially if you are travelling to any unknown places. Caves, mountains and ancient sites are not places recommended to beginners of meditation practices. There are a lot of unforeseen forces/energies in the surrounding that the new beginner may be unable to handle.

My next write up will discuss the topic on how to clear the site before surrendering your Mind , Spirit and Soul to the nature.

Thank you again for following my experiences as a Healer.

Om Guru Krissy

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