Sunday 21 August 2016

Healing Your Soul


                                                     Healing Your Soul

Soul healing starts with the premise that this lifetime is one life in a series of incarnations that focus on fulfilling specific soul contracts and learning specific soul lessons. True healing and worldly success comes from connecting with your true self and fulfilling your soul contracts. While traditional psychotherapy works only with present-life material, soul healing acknowledges the reality of past-lives and heals the past-life karma that impacts current-life issues.

You can learn to awaken and heal your Soul to access the inner powers you've lost or forgotten. The power of the Soul is passion, creativity, intuition and connection with the Divine. Regardless of which spiritual path or religion you follow you can access the power of your Soul to create a life worth living.

Understand the true nature of your Soul. The Soul is feminine by nature and your Spirit is masculine. The union of Soul and Spirit gives birth to wholeness. Because we live in a world of chauvinism we deny Soul (feminine) consciousness and elevate the masculine, thus creating an imbalance in our lives. Realize that your Soul is feminine by nature and due to the repression of feminine energy, your Soul suffers.

Your feminine energy is your
1) Imagination
2) Passion and Desires
3) Emotions and
4) Creativity

Likewise, your masculine energy is comprised of
1) Will Power
2) Action and Motivation
3) Intellect
4) Productivity.

If you will value and support your feminine energy you also feed and heal your Soul. Explore the components of your feminine energy, learn and discover the powers of imagination, creativity, passion and emotions. When you spend time developing these qualities you also feed and strengthen your Soul.

Deepen your connection with the Divine. Redefine your spirituality and bring it into whatever religion you practice. Spirituality is your personal and private relationship with God. Everyone has a relationship with God, even an atheist. It is a dysfunctional relationship, but a relationship none-the-less. 

It is similar to the mind. Every human being has a relationship with their mind, it may be well developed or severely lacking, but the relationship still exists. Everyone is spiritual, and through their Soul they can connect with the Divine. Deepen your connection to the Divine by whatever name you call it, it can help heal your Soul.

Explore passion and true pleasure. We have learned to replace our passions with duties and obligations. Most people have decided they don't have time to explore their heart's pleasures and passions and starve their Souls. Make time each day to do something you are passionate about or that brings you genuine pleasure. 

If you don't know what your passions are then start exploring the possibilities and make a list of the top 5 ways you can have more true pleasure in your life.Turn inward and explore relaxation meditation or play the singing bowl. When you relax you can quiet your mind and listen to the voice of intuition. When you relax and turn inward, you can encounter the loving compassion of your Soul.

Dive deep into your feelings. Your emotions connect you to your Soul. Let yourself journal and express the repressed emotions that have been bottled up inside you. What lies beneath your repressed feelings is your creativity, passions, intuition and imagination. It is like finding buried treasure. The price you have to pay is your willingness to feel, accept, own and express those uncomfortable emotions of anger, hurt, disappointment and fear. When you do, you'll create a more harmonious space for your Soul to dwell.

Ask yourself every morning; "What can I do today to help someone?" "How can I serve?" "Who could I call to lift their spirits?" When you give out of service and unconditional love you feed and heal your Soul. Being kind, loving and supportive of others is its own reward.

“Minds are like flowers, they only open when the time is right.”

OM Guru Krissy Gee

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