Wednesday 7 December 2016

The Healer - Part 3

[The Healer - Part 3]
Healers believe that everyone has a healing mechanism that flows as an energy force around the body, mind and spirit to keep them in perfect order. Unfortunately, stress, inadequate diet, negative attitude along with other adverse factors can block our healing mechanism so that it cannot function correctly and we can become ill.
Spiritual healing provides the energy needed to accelerate our own healing mechanism. Healers act as a conductor or channel for the healing energy which he/she believes has the "intelligence" to go where it is needed.
Healing does not always work at a physical level; the illness may remain but the ability to cope with it will be improved. In rare cases, it may not work at all because the sick person "blocks" the healing forces.
Healing is not simply about living well but also bringing serenity as people approach their inevitable end.
Typically, to begin the treatment, the healer will attune him/herself with the healing energy frequency. Then he/she may scan your body, with his/her hands hovering just above you. This scanning is to take a reading of your body's energy levels and to locate areas of low or blocked energy where healing is needed. How long the healer need to spend on each area is determined by your body's needs.
Generally, the session will lasts about an hour or two. All healers work in this way, but some employ additional healing tools such as visualization, past lives therapy, aura healing or they may concentrate on using the "chakras" the seven main energy centers of the body.
During the treatment you may feel heat coming from the healer's hands, although some people feel a draft, tingling sensation, pins and needles, or a feeling of light-headedness. Afterwards, most people say that they feel relaxed and peaceful, although you might feel thirsty or sleepy. Leave a few days or a week between sessions to give the healing time to work.
A strong life force makes a human being totally alive, alert and present while a weak force results in sluggishness and fatigue. You can increase and develop your chi to overcome illness, become more vibrant and enhance mental capacity.

[Understanding of a few type of Energy/Chi]
The concept of a life force is found in most of the ancient cultures of the world. In India, it is called Prana; in China, Chi; in Japan, Ki; for Native Americans, the Great Spirit etc. For all these cultures and others as well, the idea of life force is or was central to their forms of medicine and healing.
You cannot see the energy, but you can feel its existence as it travels through your meridians – energy highways within your body – It beats your heart, nourishes your muscles, and even give rise to your conscious activities.
Everything in creation is made up of electromagnetic energy vibrating at different frequencies that correspond to sound, light and colour. The existence of electromagnetic fields around every object in the world - known as an Aura - is a scientifically proven fact.
The Chinese refers to this energy as 'Chi' (pronounced Chee) as the vital life force energy of the Universe, present within every living thing. Western medical science is now beginning to take a serious look at ancient Far Eastern traditions that focus on Chi, the life force energy which flows through the body pathways known as meridians and chakras, present in all living forms, they help maintain health and wellness whether mental, physical and/or emotional.
Chi could also be referred to as cosmic breath, energy, life force or prana. It maintains our physical and emotional balance, our environmental stability and universal equilibrium. It is a life energy flow that should run smoothly through your body and out of it. Therefore, it needs to be treated similarly to how a flow of any substance is optimized in nature. There are five basic conditions that need to be corrected and then perfected: posture, relaxation, breathing, extension and the center. To the extent they're all adjusted, your Chi will flow all by itself.

[Our personal Chi/Energy]
The first type of Chi/energy animates our bodies. Each one of us possesses a personal Chi /energy for we are not only flesh and bones! We vibrate. Our aura expands and retracts depending on our health and moods. Our cells continually regenerate yet our basic self is the same. That constant self is our personal Chi/energy. The quality of our personal Chi/energy can be enhanced with daily exercise, good food and a balanced way of living. If our Chi is blocked and not flowing, it will be reflected in our posture, moods, movements, the way we speak, appear and behave. Depending on our health and moods, our aura will contract or expand.

[Earth Energy]
The second type of energy circulates, spirals and meanders in the earth. If it moves near the surface of the earth, land appears fertile, the weather is mild, the trees and vegetation grow, water and air quality is fresher and clearer. This is the optimum area to build a home. Wherever Chi /energy recedes from the surface of the earth, nothing grows and desert landscape forms.
Just like the Northern skies are sometimes affected by solar flares these. Earth energies influence our health. Just like our bodies, the Earth has energy meridians and vortexes equivalent to what we know in acupuncture, chakra balancing and energy points.
Some earth energies can affect our health. Underground water veins and ley lines have to be discovered to complete a physical healing process. Dowsing and water divining are an important part of the Feng Shui study to find the best possible environment to live in.
The effect of ley lines and underground water veins can be seen in nature through how trees appear. Twisted trees could show that they are growing on ley line; branches pointing downwards reveal an underground water vein.

[Universal Energy]
Energy permeates the universe. We cannot change the position of the stars and planets in the sky nor the time of that particular moment where we were born. Look at the concept of heaven being on earth and relate it to our homes, office and usual surroundings, by placing our furniture to promote a gentle Chi flow we can affect our lives for the better!
The belly is the storehouse of life force chi and can hold a huge amount for use by any part of the body. The intestines are like a coil that can absorb many types of chi, mix it and store it. The chi stored in the belly is basically chi that may be used anywhere in the system where it is easily transformed into the type of chi needed.
Here are instructions for a very simple and safe introductory exercise:
1. Sit on the floor comfortably and do not lean on any walls;
2. Breathe in and out through your nose for 30 times;
3. Relax your body;
4. Press your belly button for 49 times;
5. Close your eyes and allow your body to start moving or sway;
6. Allow the energy to flow and unblock imbalances points in your body;
7. Do this every day for 45 mins.
Caution: Do not simply tap or open your Solar Plexus to any energy force other than your own home especially if you are travelling to any unknown places. Caves, mountains and ancient sites are not places recommended to beginners of meditation practices. There are a lot of unforeseen forces/energies in the surrounding that the new beginner may be unable to handle.

My next write up will discuss the topic on how to clear the site before surrendering your Mind , Spirit and Soul to the nature.

Thank you again for following my experiences as a Healer.

Om Guru Krissy

Sunday 21 August 2016

Healing Your Soul


                                                     Healing Your Soul

Soul healing starts with the premise that this lifetime is one life in a series of incarnations that focus on fulfilling specific soul contracts and learning specific soul lessons. True healing and worldly success comes from connecting with your true self and fulfilling your soul contracts. While traditional psychotherapy works only with present-life material, soul healing acknowledges the reality of past-lives and heals the past-life karma that impacts current-life issues.

You can learn to awaken and heal your Soul to access the inner powers you've lost or forgotten. The power of the Soul is passion, creativity, intuition and connection with the Divine. Regardless of which spiritual path or religion you follow you can access the power of your Soul to create a life worth living.

Understand the true nature of your Soul. The Soul is feminine by nature and your Spirit is masculine. The union of Soul and Spirit gives birth to wholeness. Because we live in a world of chauvinism we deny Soul (feminine) consciousness and elevate the masculine, thus creating an imbalance in our lives. Realize that your Soul is feminine by nature and due to the repression of feminine energy, your Soul suffers.

Your feminine energy is your
1) Imagination
2) Passion and Desires
3) Emotions and
4) Creativity

Likewise, your masculine energy is comprised of
1) Will Power
2) Action and Motivation
3) Intellect
4) Productivity.

If you will value and support your feminine energy you also feed and heal your Soul. Explore the components of your feminine energy, learn and discover the powers of imagination, creativity, passion and emotions. When you spend time developing these qualities you also feed and strengthen your Soul.

Deepen your connection with the Divine. Redefine your spirituality and bring it into whatever religion you practice. Spirituality is your personal and private relationship with God. Everyone has a relationship with God, even an atheist. It is a dysfunctional relationship, but a relationship none-the-less. 

It is similar to the mind. Every human being has a relationship with their mind, it may be well developed or severely lacking, but the relationship still exists. Everyone is spiritual, and through their Soul they can connect with the Divine. Deepen your connection to the Divine by whatever name you call it, it can help heal your Soul.

Explore passion and true pleasure. We have learned to replace our passions with duties and obligations. Most people have decided they don't have time to explore their heart's pleasures and passions and starve their Souls. Make time each day to do something you are passionate about or that brings you genuine pleasure. 

If you don't know what your passions are then start exploring the possibilities and make a list of the top 5 ways you can have more true pleasure in your life.Turn inward and explore relaxation meditation or play the singing bowl. When you relax you can quiet your mind and listen to the voice of intuition. When you relax and turn inward, you can encounter the loving compassion of your Soul.

Dive deep into your feelings. Your emotions connect you to your Soul. Let yourself journal and express the repressed emotions that have been bottled up inside you. What lies beneath your repressed feelings is your creativity, passions, intuition and imagination. It is like finding buried treasure. The price you have to pay is your willingness to feel, accept, own and express those uncomfortable emotions of anger, hurt, disappointment and fear. When you do, you'll create a more harmonious space for your Soul to dwell.

Ask yourself every morning; "What can I do today to help someone?" "How can I serve?" "Who could I call to lift their spirits?" When you give out of service and unconditional love you feed and heal your Soul. Being kind, loving and supportive of others is its own reward.

“Minds are like flowers, they only open when the time is right.”

OM Guru Krissy Gee

Tuesday 16 August 2016

Heal yourself , Heal the World Part 1

"The Healer" Part 2

Heal yourself , Heal the World Part 1

Anyone can heal themselves and others. You are now awakening. With that awakening, you will be finding out what your gifts are. One of the gifts is the ability to heal yourself and to heal others. Thus, healing should not be regarded as the gift of the few rather than the birthright of all.

To become a good healer, you must have the intention to heal. The healing will work if your intentions are pure and your intent to heal someone is from your heart. Do not be disappointed or think that you cannot heal if the person does not feel anything.

It helps if you believe in the healing and if you are spiritual in your beliefs. Energy will always follow your intention, feelings and thoughts. Remember that you are now manifesting what you think and feel. Thus, if you think and feel that you can heal, then you will heal.

Healing will be needed in the upcoming times as so much is now coming up for release that does not serve your highest and best good. People are angry, they are holding on to hurt, pain, lack of forgiveness etc. There is so much that people are experiencing now as they are releasing and awakening. The energy healing will help them to cope with these and to guide them on what needs to be done in order to release these things that do not serve their highest and best good.

All conditions can be treated by spiritual healing but not all people. Some people are more receptive than others to this treatment, due to a number of factors such as karma, mental outlook etc. As such the results of healing can vary a great deal. If the patient has faith in the technique and the healer, this will of course aid the healing process, but is not necessary; this is not faith healing as practiced in some religions – it is based instead on spiritual energy. This being the case, it is possible for a skeptic to receive healing and benefit from it.

Spiritual healing can help people in many different ways – sometimes unexpected. Healing may completely cure someone or may not. But at the very least, it may help them to deal with the condition they have and to become more positive. It is extremely rare for someone to receive healing and then report no improvement afterwards whatsoever, and indeed many people report that they feel a great deal better, often where other treatments have failed. Miraculous instantaneous cures are rare – but not unknown, and we should always be open to this possibility.

As well as benefiting others, the more spiritual healing we give, the more we will develop spiritually and psychically. The more we develop spiritually and psychically, the better healers we will become.

When we heal a part in ourselves, we also heal that part in the world. As a healer, we cannot control what happens in the world around us but we can choose how we interpret and interact with it. Cleaning up our thoughts and forgiving ourselves are great ways to start.

What is a healer?

A healer is someone who facilitates healing in another. The healer does not “do” the healing. In fact, “nature” does the healing. The mind, body and spirit have a natural, self-healing capacity. Thus, the healer just simply plays the role of a “catalyst”.

Is any “special gift” required to be a healer?

Healing is an extension of a natural human capacity. Some people may access it more easily than others, but everyone can develop this natural capacity. Not everyone, however, has the same kinds of healing abilities. Some may be more effective with physical ailments, some with psychological and emotional issues, while others may help people with spiritual growth which plays a part in their healing. Thus, there are many different forms that healing abilities take.

Can anyone become a healer?

Acting as a healer is simply an extension of the natural human ability. When someone complains of pain and we reach out to touch them, or when a child cries and we sweep them up in our arms, we are exercising an automatic “healing response”. By exercising this natural ability, it can be developed further. In this sense, yes, anyone can become a healer. It is important to note, however, that what being a “healer” means can vary quite a bit from person to person — the kinds of healing and results can be very different.

How can I develop my ability to heal?

The most important way to develop the ability to heal is to exercise it. Perhaps you’ve already found that people feel better when you listen to them, or touch them, or pray for them. Continuing to practice these skills enhances them. There are also many different programs for learning. Some are for learning self-healing and for working with friends and family, while others are geared to those who want to do healing professionally. The first step is to identify what kinds of skills you want to learn, and what kind of healing seems most natural and suited to you.

How do I become a healer as a profession?

If you have spent some time developing and using your healing abilities, and want to begin to do it professionally, there are a number of steps you need to take. First, you need to decide if you are ready to start charging a fee, or do you feel you need to develop your skills more or have more experience? If you feel you need more training, you need to decide which kind of program suits you. (If you are interested in energy healing specifically, see Types of Energy Healing for some insights into how programs differ.)

Acting in the capacity of a healer as a profession entails learning a lot more than simply how to practice a healing modality. It involves communicating what you do to others, defining and maintaining professional boundaries, creating a place to do your work, learning the legalities applicable to your practice etc

If you have not had previous experience as a professional service provider of some sort (such as nurse, counselor, etc.), then you will probably need help with developing a practice. Some programs will provide this as part of their training, and in other cases you may need to find a mentor or another way of gaining the necessary skills and knowledge for having a professional practice.

Spiritual healing is a complementary therapy, not an alternative therapy. This means that it is meant to be used in addition to appropriate conventional medical help, not instead of it. Spiritual healers should always advise their patients of this, and should of course never guarantee a cure.

We all have the fundamental desire to create an ideal world, where everyone is healthy, happy, and free of suffering. Unfortunately, horrible things happen around us everyday. Thus, in order to transform the world we all experience, we have to start with ourselves. We can only create change in the world if we first start with our own individual healing. Please look forward to my upcoming posts as I will be posting in detailed steps how to heal yourself and others by energy healings.

OM! Guru Krissy Gee

To be continued…….

Tuesday 9 August 2016

[Spirit Guides]

All of us have them.  They are all around us if we could only perceive them.  Often confused with angels, they are souls who walk amongst us who are here to help, offer guidance, comfort, and yes - even advice.  Just what are these spirits and where do they come from?  They are what are known as Spirit Guides and they come from the Realm of Spirit, or the Other Side.

A Spirit Guide, unlike an Angel, was once a human being, like you and I.  They lived their life, performed their tasks, died, and crossed over to the Other Side.  Some choose to come back, to reincarnate in a new life, in a new place.  Others, however, make the choice to remain in Spirit so they can learn and spiritually advance while helping others still living to learn their life's lessons.  This is a Spirit Guide.

Spirit Guides, as former  human beings, are well aware of the problems we face in our everyday, mundane lives.  They were once concerned with very similar matters.  They tend to have their own special areas of expertise, often based on past personal experiences or careers they have had in a past life.

Your Spirit Guide, unlike your Guardian Angel, comes & goes in your life.  A Guardian Angel is with you from birth until death.  A Spirit Guide, on the other hand, comes into your life when an issue arises that falls under a guide's field of expertise.  So, Spirit Guides often come and go, changing as the situations in your life change, and as you change and grow, you attract new guides to you.

Your Spirit Guide is always there to help you.  This is their sole purpose, to offer the living their help and guidance.  However, as spirits, they operate on a higher vibrational frequency than mortals do, so the majority of us cannot see them, cannot hear them, and cannot sense their presence.

 Do's and Don't's of Spirit Guide Contact -

1) DON'T  expect any famous historical personages, dead rock stars, or religious icons to put in an appearance.

All of these cases have been  known to happen, but in the first two instances this is usually our ego wishing for contact with such a person like Cleopatra, Michelangelo, John Lennon, Marilyn Monroe, etc ...  And religious figures; such as, Christ, the Virgin Mary, Buddha, Krishna, and others, can be Guides, but usually this will not be the very first Spirit Guide to make their presence known to you.

2)  DO a simple protection ritual before you begin.  This is of vital importance in order to keep spirits of lower vibrational frequencies away from you during your session.  Such spirits are often lost on the Earth plane unaware that they are dead, or they could even be demonic in nature.  A simple protection ritual will safeguard you against any undesirable spirit encounters.

3)  DON'T have any preconceived notions of who or what your Spirit Guide may be.  This could lead to a great big disappointment.  A client of mine took my Spirit Guide class convinced her guide would be some person of renown from ancient Greece, since that is where her interests lay.   Instead, she got a talking beaver!!!  Imagine her surprise!  However, the beaver had many important things to say and still offers his guidance to her to this day.  This is a case of a Totem Animal, which is an Animal Spirit who acts as a Spirit Guide.

4)  DO always prepare for the unexpected.  Turn the ringer off on the phone, put the volume of the answering machine on zero, lock the door, if others are in the house ask them to please not disturb you for any reason - unless the house is burning down, of course.  Make sure you are seated in a comfortable position and that you have pen or pencil and paper handy to write down any impressions or messages you may receive.

5) DON'T share what you are doing with others who are not of like mind.  Ridicule and disbelief will undermine your attempts by introducing negative energy into an otherwise very positive and uplifting experience.

6) DO keep a special book set aside to be used as a journal in which you note all of your spiritual encounters.  This journal will prove to be an invaluable source of information to you over the coming weeks, months, even years.

7) DON'T expect your Spirit Guide to be able to foretell the future by asking him or her, "when will I win the lottery?"  Spirit Guides do not foretell the future unless that was part of their personal expertise while alive.  They also will not know what the winning lotto numbers for the upcoming lotto drawing will be.  Believe me, I've tried this  more than once!!

8) DO believe you will make contact.  For some, contact occurs with the very first session, for others, it can take weeks, but persistence always pays off, so just stick to it and your Spirit Guide will make him or herself known to you.

Your Spirit Guides and Angels will never let you down as you build a rapport with them. In the end, they may be the only ones who don't let you down.

Om Guru Krissy Gee

Tuesday 2 August 2016

The Healer - Understanding of Singing Bowl and Frequencies
                                                   ( Part 1)    

As a Guru and Healer, I have been teaching many people how to play the Tibetan and crystal singing bowls for many years. 

A singing bowl is played either by striking the outside of the bowl or by rubbing the stick or mallet around the outside rim of the bowl. Some people find that there is a subtle difference in the feeling and effect created within them by choosing either a clockwise or counter clockwise direction for the rubbing movement. 

Please be aware that the sound generated from the crystal singing bowls can be very loud – loud enough to cause discomfort or damage to our hearing. We can control the volume of our bowl by varying the speed of moving the mallet around the bowl and by varying the pressure of the mallet against the outside of the bowl.     

Metal Bowls

Crystal Bowls

The frequencies produced by the bowl are determined by the bowl’s diameter, shape and density of its metal.  These 3 factors affect each other.  In general, the larger the bowl’s diameter, the deeper sounding the bowl and the thicker the bowl, the higher the pitch. 

When we are playing our bowls, it is advisable for us to turn our awareness to the effect of the sound on our body, emotions and mental state. 

Normally, when a person is playing a bowl for several minutes, the physical change in his/her body is quite dramatic. His/her shoulders and breathing will relax and slow down. The whole body becomes more relaxed when his/her mind becomes more focused. 

Often, the person will become so engrossed in the sound that they become oblivious to their surroundings. Some may become so engrossed in the experience that a gentle touch on their shoulder is needed in order for them to stop the sound. We call this as powerful focus. 

Further, it has been scientifically proven that sound moves through our body faster than it moves through the air and the sound of the singing bowls can affect us physically in three main ways:- 

  1. Brain waves. - it will stimulate more brain waves in the alpha frequency range (around 8 to 13 Hertz), which help to calm our mind. 

Five Types Of Brain Waves Frequencies:- 

Gamma waves range between 38-42 HZ. The fastest of brain waves and relate to simultaneous processing of information from different brain areas. They have the smallest amplitude on an E.E.G in comparison to the other four basic types of brain wave frequencies. It is speculated that Gamma rhythms modulate perception and consciousness, and that a greater presence of Gamma relates to expanded consciousness and spiritual emergence. 

Beta waves range between 14-30 HZ. The beta state is associated with peak-concentration, heightened alertness and visual acuity. 

Alpha waves range between 8-13 HZ. This is a place of deep relaxation, but-not quite meditation. In Alpha, we begin to access the wealth of creativity-that lies just below our conscious awareness – it is the gateway, the entry-point that leads into deeper states of consciousness. Alpha is also the home-of the window frequency known as the Schuman Resonance, which is the resonant frequency of the earth’s electromagnetic field. 

Theta waves range between <5HZ. Theta is one of the more elusive and-extraordinary realms we can explore. It is also known as the twilight state-which we normally only experience fleetingly as we rise up out of the depths-of delta upon waking, or drifting off to sleep.

In theta, we are in a waking-dream, vivid imagery flashes before the mind’s eye and we are receptive to-information beyond our normal conscious awareness. Theta has also been-identified as the gateway to learning and memory. Theta meditation increases-creativity, enhances learning, reduces stress and awakens intuition and-other extrasensory perception skills. 

Delta waves range between 0-4 HZ. Delta is associated with deep sleep. In-addition, certain frequencies in the delta range trigger the release of Growth Hormone beneficial for healing and regeneration. This is why sleep, deep restorative sleep is so essential to the healing process. 

  1. The physical motion of playing the bowl. This simple and repetitive motion commands our attention as does the sound created by the bowl.  

  1. Our breathing and heartbeat will slow down, putting us into a relaxed state. 

Sound, Vibration and Energy Healing 

Sound is defined as vibrational energy. It is a physical energy that travels THROUGH us. As it travels through us, each sound wave pushes against our atoms and molecules sending them into a state of vibration. 

Everything that moves vibrates, from the smallest molecule to the universe itself.  We may not perceive the sound, as it may be below or above the threshold of our hearing. 
The human ear can hear sound vibrations between 20 and 20,000 cycles per second, although we also perceive sound by skin and bone conduction, ingesting and consuming it with the whole body. 

Scientific studies show that sound can produce changes in the autonomic, immune, endocrine and neuropeptide systems. Every atom, molecule, cell, gland, and organ of the human body absorbs and emits sound. The entire body, as well as our brain waves in a relaxed state, vibrates at a fundamental frequency of about 8 cycles per second, literally entraining and attuning us to the basic electromagnetic field of the earth itself! 

Tips To Remember  
Base on my own experience handling Tibetan and Crystal singing bowls for my healing sessions and workshops, below is a list of Do’s and Don’t’s on handling them. Proper guidance from an experienced therapist or Guru is highly recommended.  


1.      Read basic knowledge about how these bowls are made. 
2.     Learn how to make a better sound or how to handle them. When we strike a singing bowl with a padded mallet, we hear the richness of the fundamental tone much more clearly in the mix.  Avoid striking the bowl on the top of the lip, as this will produce too much of a percussive hit. 
3.     Learn how to measure frequencies. The bowls that have been used for healing purposes were carefully selected to sing in harmony. Their exact fundamental frequencies are 69 Hz, 276 Hz, and 552 Hz. 
4.      Intention -  must find out the real problem of your friends or clients before playing the bowl. As they can be in a different state of mind with different frequencies level. It may irritate them and no healing effect will occur once your clients feel uneasy. 


1.      Never place the bowls directly on the heart as some of your clients or friends might have heart problem. It’s very dangerous and that can kill. Don’t take any chances!! 

2.     Never place the bowls on top of your head as when striking the bowl, frequencies emitted from striking the bowl, if the frequencies are not measured properly, strong frequencies can cause brain and hearing damage! Don’t take any chances!! 

Bonus Tip – please treat your Tibetan or Crystal bowl as a friend. They are healers. They deserve love and respect. Please also make sure to keep your bowl in tip-top shape and to find out what to avoid to keep your bowl from breaking. 

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”
                             Lao Tzu
Dont forget to  Share Part 1 of "The Healer" to your friends and follow my Part 2 of " The Healer" next week.
Om Guru Krissy Gee